Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week of October 5 - 16, 2009

Since we had Parent-Teacher Conferences at the end of last week, here's an update of our last week and a half. In Writer's Workshop w have been reviewing how to write the uppercase letters. We have also learned to stretch out our words and ideas in our stories. We added words to our Word Wall in the classroom and have our own Word Walls in our writing folders. In Reader's Workshop we wrapped up our author's study of Leo Lionni by finishing our masks of our favorite character in his stories. This was the first week for Word Study as part of our homework and our first spelling assessment. In math, we have been using number stories to help us with addition and subtraction skills in addition to some new games and workbook pages. We learned "The Peacemaker's Song" and met Princess Mary and Wizard George who are helping us learn about appropriate ways to handle our conflicts.

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