Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cultural Project

The Cultural Project is the culmination activity for our Geography and Cultures unit. The objective of the project is to help the children understand that we have different heritages and that our ancestors came to the United States from other countries around the world. The project exposes them to world geography and to the idea that cultures vary according to their place on the map as well as traditions, beliefs, language, clothing and rules. We learn that people share their culture with their friends and family and that cultures are the same and different around the world. Ultimately we realize that our differences are interesting and enrich our experiences and that even if we have different cultures, we can all still get along with each other. Students will discuss their cultural heritage with their family and pick a country that is part of their heritage to study. They will create an exhibit about their country that includes a map of their country, a fact card and a paper doll dressed in traditional clothes. They may also include a flag and other artifacts that will teach others about their country. We will also have a Cultural Feast and enjoy foods from the different countries in the exhibits and invite families to view our Cultural Museum.

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