Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week of March 8 - 12, 2010

This week in Writer's and Reader's Workshops we did research on our Famous American and recorded it in a variety of ways. First we wrote about their early life and why they are famous on paper. We made a hat to reflect our American's life and accomplishments and we wrote facts and adjectives about them on a belt (a sentence strip). In the computer lab we used KidPix to write and draw about them. By now, your children are experts on their Famous American! In Math Workshop we had lots of practice counting by 2s,4s, 5s and 10s using story problems. For example, one problem asked how many legs two horses, two people and one dog have. These types of problems are laying the foundation for higher level addition and multiplication. Other highlights of the week include Potato Olympics with our 5th-grade buddies on Tuesday and the Rats! performance on Wednesday.

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