Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week of May 10 - 14, 2010

This week we said goodbye to one of our classmates. He and his family are moving to another city and we had a fun send-off for him on Friday. During the week we made a book for him. He also got to choose his favorite classroom job (line leader) and he chose our activities during Morning Meeting. His leaving reminded us that we are all leaving first grade in just six weeks! To begin the process of ending the school year, we worked in small groups to think of as many tips as we can to share with the rising first grade class. We also named things that make first grade special (so I can be sure to remember to do them again!) As hard as saying goodbye and change is, it is still so amazing to see how much everyone has grown--physically, academically and emotionally. We are finishing up our animal research reports during science and Writers' Workshop. In math we continue to work with the 100s chart and some of us are making charts up to 1000!

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