Sunday, June 6, 2010

Week of June 1 - 4, 2010

The highlight of our week was having Carlyle Bruemmer join our classroom. She is a senior at Yorktown and doing her "Senior Experience" with us until June 18. She is so kind and helpful to me and the children. We are glad and thankful she is with us! In Writer's Workshop we brainstormed story ideas by jotting down things about ourselves such as our hobbies, favorite places, happy and sad times and our favorite holidays. The children will use this list to generate ideas for both fiction and non-fiction stories. In Reader's Workshop we continued thinking about the main idea in the stories we are reading aloud and to ourselves. We are also making mental images for short poems and practicing our grammar skills. Even though we don't have new word study patterns, we are continuing practicing our word study skills with sorts we have already done. See below for what's going on in our science and math units.

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