Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week of November 2 - 6, 2009

This week we continued our practice in writing about small moments in our lives during Writer's Workshop. This is hard to do and your children are getting better and better at it! During Reader's Workshop we focused on story structure including the elements of setting and characters. As you are reading with your child, be sure to ask about these story elements. We used the folktale The Little Red Hen to introduce robust vocabulary. These are words to enrich our vocabulary but we are not expected to be able to spell them. Each week we will add to our robust vocabulary using different texts. Also, we acted out The Little Red Hen to help us remember story sequence and characterization. In Math Workshop we are wrapping up the first unit by continuing our practice of breaking numbers apart in different combinations. Our next unit will focus on shapes and patterns. We finished our science unit: What Does a Scientist Do? On Monday, we will start our social studies unit: Past and Present. This unit will continue until Thanksgiving Break.

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