Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week of January 25 - 29, 2010

We actually had a full week of school with no early dismissals, snow days or holidays! In Writer's Workshop we finalized our poems for our Poetry Journal and chose one to publish. Our Poetry Publishing Party on Friday was a grand finale for our Poetry Unit. Next week we will begin our non-fiction wirting unit with a focus on writing about famous Americans. In Reader's Workshop the highlight was opening our listening station. We heard "The Mitten" which includes the robust vocabulary words that we worked on this week. We finished up math unit 3: "Solving Story Problems" and are moving onto unit 4: "What Would You Rather Be?" This unit focuses on sorting strategies according to different attributes and collecting, representing and comparing data. Remember that you can go on line to learn more about our math program at We finished our science unit on matter with hot chocolate and bubbles. Can you guess which matter we were learning about? If not, ask your child! Next week we will begin our social studies unit called "History and Famous Americans." This will involve the fun "Hero Project" that your child will be working on at school and at home.

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