Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's My Rule?

In math this week, we started a new unit called "What Would You Rather Be?" which addresses ways to sort objects by attributes and interpret the results of a data investigation. The game, "What's My Rule?" is a fun way for children to practice sorting by one attribute and also determining the attribute that another person used to sort. We used buttons, shells, plastic animals and geometric shapes to practice for this game. WE collect and record data every day with a question that the children answer as part of their morning routine when they arrive in the classroom. Examples of questions include "Do you prefer to take a shower or a bath?" Do you brush your teeth before you put on your pajamas or after?" Are you right-handed or left-handed?" Once we have our data we can practice all kinds of math skills such as adding numbers together, seeing how much more or lessone number is than the other, and writing equations.

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