Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week of February 22 -26, 2010

The highlight of our week was going to the computer lab on Monday! We will be using it every Monday to work on a variety of projects and skills. In Writer's Workshop we finished writing How-To stories and are moving on to writing All-About stories that will include a How-To page in it. This works in nicely with our Famous American project where students will write all about the famous American they chose. In Reader's Workshop we continue to look for features of non-fiction book and have discovered how handy a table of contents, index and glossary are. In Math we finished Unit $ and jumped ahead to Unit 8 which focuses on skip counting by two's (sending in socks is still OK!) five's and tens. These skills translate well as we are also practicing counting coins that involve those skills.

Pennies for Patients Update: We've raised just a few pennies short of $64.00 and it was great fun counting it! Please keep sending in your coins!

The second part of the password is snacks. The other part is on Blackboard. Please write both passwords on a piece of paper and send with your child.

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