Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week of February15-19, 2010

This was a week of celebrations! After celebrating President's Day away from school we were all very excited to see each other after missing a full week of school because of our double blizzards. We celebrated Chinese New Year by reading books about the festival and making tan gram puzzles. We also had fun counting and doing addition problems in Chinese. At the end of the week we celebrated Valentine's with a lovely party coordinated by Allie Wrigley (Many thanks!). In between celebrations, we continued to read non-fiction books and learn about the distinctive features about them during Reader's Workshop. We're refining our writing skills with How-To stories in Writer's Workshop and chose the poem that will be published in this year's Poetry Journal. In Math Workshop we have been taking and making surveys and writing equations to explain their results. We finished our study of George Washington Carver in social studies and will continue our study of Famous Americans for a few more weeks.

The second part of the password is Americans. The first part is on Blackboard. Please write both words on a piece of paper and send in with your child for a surprise!

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